Who can have a marriage registered in Hungary, and how to do it?

All Hungarian citizens must have their marriages officiated abroad registered in Hungary.

Follow this procedure if at least one of the parties to the marriage has proof of his or her Hungarian citizenship. 

The application may only be submitted in person by both parties present.

How much is the fee?

Marriage registration is free of charge.

Which form should I fill out?

When filling out the form, please follow these guidelines (there is an English translation of the form to help you):

Please fill the form out with a blue ink pen, with block capitals.

Please use full names, e.g. John Thomas Smith instead of John Smith or John T. Smith.

What documents shall I submit with the application?

  • Your original marriage certificate. We only accept a full ("long-form”) marriage certificate! If the certificate only includes the names of the parties, please attach a copy of your application to marry.
  • The applicants must present their identity documents, and in case of a non-Hungarian citizen, a passport or citizenship certificate which proves his or her citizenship. The Hungarian party shall present proof of Hungarian citizenship.
  • If the bride's or the groom's family status at the time of the marriage was divorced or widow, submit the Hungarian-issued or foreign marriage certificate, and the death certificate of the deceased spouse or a court decree (with Hungarian translation).
  • If the divorce from the previous marriage of a Hungarian citizen has not yet been registered, it has to be done simultaneously.

Should I bring a translation of the documents?

There is no need for translation: 

  • if the marriage certificate is issued in English, German or French language;
  • OR, if the marriage certificate is issued by other countries in two or more languages if one of them is English, German or French.

If the marriage certificate is issued in different language, a legalised translation should be presented:

  • the translation could be prepared by the National Translation and Authentication Office (OFFI) – www.offi.hu , 1062 Budapest, Bajza utca 52, Tel: (36-1) 428-9600, Fax: (36-1) 428-9610 –, in this case it does not need to be further legalised;
  • OR, the translation should be legalised by the responsible Hungarian Consulate.

Please note that court decrees are to be submitted with Hungarian translation. 

What Hungarian governmental authority is responsible and where can I get more information?

The Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala ((Government Office of the Capital City Budapest) is responsible for the registration of vital statistics events which happened abroad. 
